Breaking Free: Conquering the 12 Mindset Prisons
What if the pressure of your practice was no longer so stressful? What if you no longer felt burned out and overwhelmed? What if you felt delighted and fulfilled in your practice?
Unlocking The Path To Legal Success and Freedom
“Freedom comes from diving deeply within and knowing who you truly are.”
― Amy Leigh Mercree
Lawyering Better: Mastering Productivity in the Legal World
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your workload? Do you wish you had a few more hours in your day to get more work done? Do you ever get frustrated with how little time you have?
Wellness Matters: Tackling Burnout in the Legal Profession
The legal profession is under so much pressure. It affects both the mental health and wellness of our legal professionals and the financial status of the law firms. Despite more recognition and publicity, the problem still exists and perhaps even increases.
Why Every Lawyer Should Step Out of Their Comfort Zone
When I was young, I always wanted to have a comfortable life. To be safe, to have a relaxed, uncomplicated life. That's what some people call our "comfort zone." But to grow, be successful, and be all we want to be, we must be willing to be uncomfortable.
The Pursuit of Contentment: A Lawyer's Guide to Inner Fulfillment
Contentment in the legal profession is not merely a personal luxury but a fundamental driver of success, well-being, and ethical conduct. It is an essential ingredient for lawyers to navigate the demanding challenges of their profession while maintaining a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
How To Find Fulfillment in Your Law Practice
Very few of us became lawyers to make a lot of money. Primarily, we did it to be of service to others. Then, we encountered onerous billable hour requirements, demanding clients, competition, and complex work requirements. The pressure and stress wiped out our sense of fulfillment. How can we rebuild our purpose of service, which initially motivated us?
Lawyer's Guide to Wellness and Well-Being
Have you ever felt overwhelmed, tired, burned out, or frustrated? Have you ever wondered if it was all worth it? Have you ever resorted to unhealthy practices just to deal with the pressure you are under?
Ten Hot Tips to Change Your Stress to Success
“What advice would you give the lawyer sitting in the office stressed, overwhelmed, and almost burned out?”
Prioritizing Your Values in Your Practice: Why Aligning Your Practice is Key to Building a Successful Career
“True change happens when you align your heart, truths, and energy.”
- Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino