How to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You


Are you ever in a mindset where you think negative thoughts, expect poor results, and that’s what happens?

Or, alternatively, have you ever envisioned success, the good result, victory, and that has occurred?

In this week's newsletter, we will examine the Law of Attraction, discuss what it is, its pitfalls, how it can affect your life, and give you tangible steps to make it work for you.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is a belief that positive thoughts bring about positive results in your life, while negative beliefs result in negative outcomes. It is based on a philosophy that positive energy attracts success in all areas of your life. The concept is that the energy of your thoughts is manifested in your experiences.

 This philosophy is based on certain basic concepts:

  1. Like Attracts Like.. The fundamental principle is that similar things are attracted to each other. Thus, our thoughts tend to create similar results.

  2. Nature Abhors a  Vacuum. Empty spaces are filled. Removing negative beliefs from your core makes room for more positive concepts to fill the space. Your mind can never be completely empty. So, if negative thoughts are removed, more positive thoughts can fill yourself.

  3. Live in the present. The present is a result of past choices, decisions and actions. It is exactly what it is supposed to be. Accept the present as it is. It might not be perfect, but we should concentrate our thoughts on being positive about the present. There are always steps we can take to make the present moment as good as it can be. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of the present time, we should concentrate on how to make the present as good as it can be.

Is the Law of Attraction real?

Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not aware of any scientific studies that proves it is effective. Having said that, the concept of the law of attraction unquestionably serves us.

Here are two simple examples from my life. I learned to ride a bike at a much older age than typical, 50 years old. I learned to ride at Kiawah Island, S.C., where there are some amazing bike trails, but many of which had fairly narrow bridges that went over lagoons. When I was learning to ride, if I looked at the rails on the side of the bridge, I would always ride into them. But if instead my vision was straight ahead to the open space past the bridge, I easily rode through the middle of the bridge. What I thought about created the result.

And as you know, I am an avid golfer. When I’m playing a tight or narrow hole, what I focus on has a direct impact on my results. If I see the trees lining the fairway, invariably that is where I hit the ball, into the trees. But if instead I focus on a small target in the middle of the fairway, I am much more likely to hit the ball straight.

I suggest to you that it does not matter if the law of attraction is a scientific fact or not. What I do know is that our thoughts have a direct and powerful effect on our results.

Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction

Utilizing the law of attraction in our life is very beneficial. However, there are some pitfalls of which we should be aware:

First, we should never think that if we simply believe something good is going to happen, it will. We still have to put forth the effort. Set our goals, be committed, have a plan, overcome challenges, be persistent.

Secondly, we should never blame ourselves when negative things happen in our life. We shouldn’t think “if only I thought something different, this would not have occurred!” We will run into obstacles outside of our control. They may be imposed on us despite our best actions and thoughts. What we should do though is look at the positive in each of those occurrences. I have learned that each and every hurdle or negative event in my life had in fact a very powerful silver lining. It was exactly what it was supposed to be. When that challenging obstacle presents itself, don’t blame yourself for not having the right thoughts; instead, look for the positive in each of those hurdles and see what you can do to overcome them. How we respond to those challenges is precisely what makes us stronger.

Gifts of the Law of Attraction.

When we focus our thoughts on our vision rather than our frustrations, we will unquestionably be more successful. What we think about, is what we tend to get more of. If we think we will fail, we probably will. If we think we will succeed, we are more likely to.

Here is another golf analogy.When I’m hitting a shot over the lake onto the green, when I focus on the lake, and think I will not be able to hit over it, I very frequently end up in the bottom of  the lake. On the other hand, when my focus is on the pin, and I see a successful shot landing near it, I am much more likely to hit my shot safely onto the green, and likely near the hole..

My thoughts do not guarantee success, particularly if it is not accompanied by effort on my part. However, thinking positive, uplifting, optimistic thoughts will unquestionably improve our mental well-being. We will be more confident, open to greater success, willing to take on a new challenge. Having optimistic thoughts will improve our health, create better happiness, and lead to more successful results.

Trying to apply the law of attraction in our life will lead to:

  • Better mental health

  • Improved physical health

  • Better relationships

  • Improved professional performance

  • More personal success

Who doesn't want all that?

How to make the Law of Attraction work for you

The law of attraction can help facilitate our success in so many areas of her life. Here tangible steps for you to follow to help create that success and personal freedom you crave:

  1. Be grateful. An attitude of gratitude is critical to our success. We truly appreciate the many blessings in our life. We think positive thoughts about the present which helps to create better results for us

  2. Be mindful. Be aware of your thoughts. When “stinky thinking” starts, remove those thoughts. Fill the empty space with positive thoughts, thoughts of success, happiness, of plenty. We are in control of our mind. We can change our thoughts, but first we must be aware of them. Replace those negative thoughts with a belief that you are worthy, lovable, and deserving.

  3. Be intentional. We all have a vision, or goal. Be purposeful in what thoughts we choose and what actions we take.

  4. Visualize your goals. What do you want in your life? Where do you want to go? See the target. Make it part of your core. Keep it in the forefront of your mind and see you achieving it.

  5. Look for the silver linings. When negative events happen, don’t blame yourself. Look for the positive in each situation. What can I learn from this? Although the situation seems harmful, in what way has it helped me? Perhaps we learned patience, strength, courage, or a new route to accomplish our goal.

  6. Use positive affirmations. Each day, write down positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself, better success, about who you are, about your capability, about the fact that you deserve it.

  7. Be committed. Thoughts without actions accomplish nothing. Be committed to your goal. Don’t  let the negative events stop you. Keep moving forward. Take the actions you need to take to accomplish the success that you want.


While I’m not certain whether the Law of Attraction is a scientific reality,I do know that the philosophy very much helps us to be as successful as we want to be. There are many things in life we have no control over. But we do control our thoughts and our feelings. They directly impact our actions and our results. So utilize these steps to attempt to reframe your thoughts to ones of success, and more success will fill your life.


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